Safety Precautions/Procedures
Our rehearsal plans/procedures are based on preliminary results from a study at the University of Colorado-Boulder and the University of Maryland on the effects of aerosols and singing. The full study results can be found here. There is no way to completely prevent the spread of any disease without a vaccine, but we feel that with these mitigation strategies in place, we might be able to return to singing together while dramatically lowering risks. We want to go back to making music together, but we also want to do so as safely as possible.
What In-Person Rehearsals will look like:
What Zoom Rehearsals will look like:
- Each section will have assigned times for rehearsal to allow for smaller groups.
- Members will have their temperature checked as they arrive to rehearsal.
- Rehearsals will be held outside, under the portico at the church, along with smaller sectionals in the church building.
- Members will be required to wear a mask at all times during rehearsal.
- Members will be 6 ft apart during rehearsal.
- Members exhibiting any symptoms will not be allowed to rehearse.
- Members that are sick or do not feel comfortable singing in person will be allowed to tune in digitally to rehearsals.
What Zoom Rehearsals will look like:
- Members will log in or call in to Zoom using the information provided by the directors/General Manager.
- Members will be muted while rehearsing music, to account for the lag time in internet speeds, but our accompanists and directors will be audible to members during rehearsal so they will be able to sing along.
- Online rehearsals will be utilized to reinforce material rehearsed in person.
If at any time we deem it necessary, we will return to online ONLY rehearsals.